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Le Costume historique [Historic costume], v. 1-6, by Auguste Racinet [our big Racinet], 1888
Le Costume historique, trois cent vingt-cinq planches, v. 1-2, (our "mini" Racinet), 1890
Decorations polychromes [Polychrome decoration], v. 1-2, 190?
Gli stili nella forma e nel colore, rassegna dell' arte antica e moderna di tutti i paesi [Styles in form and color, review of the ancient and modern art of all countries], 1925
Japanese woodcuts: early periods, 195-?
Kyoto woodcuts, 1978
Masterpieces of Japanese woodcuts from Moronobu to Hiroshige ; forty heliotypes in colours, 192-?
Der Ornamentenschatz [Treasure chest of ornament], 1889
Ornement polychrome : cent planches en couleurs, or et argent, contenant environ 2,000 motifs de tous les styles, art ancien et asiatique, Moyen Age, Renaissance, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles : recueil historique et pratique, [Polychrome ornament : one hundred color plates with gold and silver, containing about 2,000 motifs of all styles: ancient and Asian art, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: historical collection and practice], v.1-6, 188?