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Art of American book covers,1875-1930
Art of revolution : Castro's Cuba 1959-1970
Charles Harper's birds & words, 2008
Contempo, this American tempo, 1929 John Vassos
Designs for the printed page, 1960 by Leo Lionni, Fortune's Art Director
Deutsche kunst und dekoration, v. 15 & 18 [German art & decoration], 190?
Every Saturday, 1871
Experimenta typografica, 1943
Foot-high letters : a guide for lettering, 1961
Formes et couleurs; vingt planches en couleurs contenant soixante-sept motifs décoratifs [Shapes and colors; twenty color plates containing sixty-seven decorative motifs], 192-?
Great ideas of Western man : advertisements for 1950-51 [--1953-54]
Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901 [Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and the exhibition of the artist colony in Darmstadt from May to October 1901], 1901
Heraldischer Atlas: Eine Sammlung von heraldischen Musterblättern für Künstler, Gewerbetreibende [Heraldic Atlas: A collection of heraldic patterns for artists, tradesmen], 1899
Illustrated American, April 24, 1897, May 1, 1897, Christmas 1897
Inspirations; twenty-four plates, with 128 compositions by André Durenceau, 1928
LSD : the library of Julio Santo Domingo, 2013
Pennsylvania German illuminated manuscripts, 1937
Peterson's Magazine, 1882-1892, incomplete
Plante et ses applications ornementales [Plants and their ornamental applications], 1897-99
Portfolio; the annual of the graphic arts, 1951
PPP, ABC, XYZ, 1989
Some American college bookplates, 1915
Symbols of visual communication, 1964
Underground graphics, 1970 Graham Keen
Universal classic manvscripts: fac-similes from originals in the Department of manvscripts British mvsevm, of royal, historic and diplomatic docvments, letters, avtographs of kings, qveens, princes, statesmen, generals, avthors, etc., 1901
Variations : quatre-vingt-six motifs decoratifs en vingt planches [Variations: eighty-six decorative motifs in twenty plates], 1924