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Viewing Special Collections materials is by appointment only. Contact Christine Mannix (

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Book handling 101: Wash your hands (no moisturizer, please); no food or drinks allowed; stow belongings; pencil and notebook or laptops only; photos without flash are allowed, but not photocopies. 

Historic Books A-H

Art of American book covers,1875-1930

Art of revolution : Castro's Cuba 1959-1970

Art of the Book:  a review of some recent European and American work in typography, page decoration & binding, 1914

Art of writing, 2800 B.C. to 1930 A.D: illustrated in a collection of original documents written on vellum paper, papyrus, silk, linen, bamboo, or inscribed on clay, marble, steatite, jasper, haematite, matrix of emerald and chalcedony, exhibiting forty styles of scripts in the languages of Europe, Asia and Africa., 1930

Charles Harper's birds & words, 2008 

Contempo, this American tempo, 1929    John Vassos

Design by light; 98 studies in pattern; three dimensional color decoration and patterns in the abstract, 1939

Designs for the printed page, 1960 by Leo Lionni, Fortune's Art Director

Deutsche kunst und dekoration, v. 15 & 18 [German art & decoration], 190?

Every Saturday, 1871

Experimenta typografica, 1943

Foot-high letters : a guide for lettering, 1961

Formes et couleurs; vingt planches en couleurs contenant soixante-sept motifs décoratifs [Shapes and colors; twenty color plates containing sixty-seven decorative motifs], 192-?

Great ideas of Western man : advertisements for 1950-51 [--1953-54]

Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901 [Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and the exhibition of the artist colony in Darmstadt from May to October 1901], 1901

Gutenberg and the Book of Books, 1932

Historic Books I-Z

Heraldischer Atlas: Eine Sammlung von heraldischen Musterblättern für Künstler, Gewerbetreibende [Heraldic Atlas: A collection of heraldic patterns for artists, tradesmen], 1899

Illustrated American, April 24, 1897, May 1, 1897, Christmas 1897

In the dawn of the world. Being twenty-five pictures illustrative of a portion of the book of Genesis, 1903

Inspirations; twenty-four plates, with 128 compositions by André Durenceau, 1928

​LSD : the library of Julio Santo Domingo, 2013

Pennsylvania German illuminated manuscripts, 1937

Peterson's Magazine, 1882-1892, incomplete

Plante et ses applications ornementales [Plants and their ornamental applications], 1897-99

Portfolio; the annual of the graphic arts, 1951

PPP, ABC, XYZ, 1989

Some American college bookplates, 1915

Symbols of visual communication, 1964

Underground graphics, 1970    Graham Keen

Universal classic manvscripts: fac-similes from originals in the Department of manvscripts British mvsevm, of royal, historic and diplomatic docvments, letters, avtographs of kings, qveens, princes, statesmen, generals, avthors, etc., 1901  

Variations : quatre-vingt-six motifs decoratifs en vingt planches [Variations: eighty-six decorative motifs in twenty plates], 1924