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Historic Books on Architecture @ CCAD

The CCAD Library houses a rich variety of rare architectural books. Here is a complete list. Books without a link are not in the online catalog but may still be viewed in person.

American architecture of the twentieth century; a series of photographs and measured drawings of modern, civic, commercial and industrial buildings, v.1-7

Ancient and modern architecture : consisting of views, plans, elevations, sections, and details of the most remarkable edifices in the world, v.1-3

Antiquities of Athens, measured and delineated … v. 1-4

Architecture civile et domestique au moyen âge et à la renaissance (Civil and domestic architecture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance), v.1-2

Arcology: the city in the image of man by Paolo Soleri

Art gothique: l'architecture--la peinture--la sculpture--le décor(Gothic art : architecture - painting - sculpture - decor)

Ausgewählte Ornament-Schnitzwerke des XV.-XVIII. Jahrhunderts (Selected ornament carvings of the XV-XVIII. century)

Book of architectural and decorative drawings

Byzantine architecture and ornament

Country homes of famous Americans

De Romanorum magnificentia [Della magnificenza ed architettura de’ Romani; On the grandeur and the architecture of the Romans], Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1835?

Design Decade, Architectual Forum, October 1940.

Deutsche kunst und dekoration (German art & decoration), v. 15 & v. 18

Dome cookbook

Early religious architecture of America

Édifices de Rome moderne : ou Recueil des palais, maisons, églises, couvents, et autres monuments publics et particuliers les plus remarquables de la ville de Rome (Buildings of modern Rome or Series palaces, houses, churches, convents, and other public monuments and the most outstanding individuals in the city of Rome) v.1-4

Egyptian obelisks

Encyclopaedia of ironwork; examples of hand wrought ironwork from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century

English and Scottish wrought ironwork : a series of examples of English ironwork of the best periods, together with most of the examples now existing in Scotland

Examples of Gothic architecture; selected from various ancient edifices in England, v.1-3

Exposition 1937 : Pavillons français (French Pavillion)

Exposition 1937 : Sections étrangères (Foreign pavillions)

Frank Lloyd Wright. Special issue of the Architectural forum, vol. 68, no. 1, January 1938.

Gardens of Italy v. 1-2

Grand Trianon, architecture, décoration, ameublement

Grinling Gibbons and the woodwork of his age (1648-1720)

Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901 (Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and the exhibition of the artist colony in Darmstadt from May to October 1901)

History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States, v.1-2

Images de Versailles

In English homes; the internal character, fvrnitvre & adornments of some of the most notable hovses of England historically [v. 2-3: accurately] depicted from photographs specially taken by Charles Latham, v.1-3

In the land of the Pharaos : 24 artistic pictures of upper Egypt

Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture

Italian villas and their gardens

King's College Chapel, Cambridge, and the college buildings

London County Council Hall : final competition

Masterpieces of Spanish architecture, Romanesque and allied styles

Matériaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture (Materials and documents of architectural and sculpture) , v.1-10

Mediterranean domestic architecture in the United States

Modern home; a book of British domestic architectvre for moderate incomes

Monasteries of the Wadi 'n Natrûn, v.2 (Monasteries of Nitria and of Scetis)

Monasteries of the Wadi 'n Natrûn, v.3 (Architecture and True Archaeology)

Monastery of Epiphanius at Thebes, v.1-2

Monograph of the work of McKim, Mead & White, 1879-1915,  v.1-4

Monographie des Palais & parcs de Versailles et des Trianons v.1 c. 1

Monuments antiques : notices archéologiques. Supplément

More small Italian villas and farmhouses

Motifs & details choisis d'architecture gothique : empruntés aux anciens édifices de l'Angleterre (Patterns & selected details of Gothic architecture borrowed from the ancient buildings of England), v. 1-2

Moyen age et la Renaissance (Middle Ages to Renaissance)

Octagon, Dr. William Thornton, architect, drawings and text made under direction of Glenn Brown ... for the American institute of architects

Old London bridge

Paris, ville d'art

Petit Trianon, architecture--décoration--ameublement

Petit Trianon, Versailles; illustrated by a series of measured drawings and photographs of the entire building, exterior and interior; including a large selection of the furniture, and various details of iron work and brass work, together with a historical account of the palace, and descriptive letterpress

Plan and design for the Roosevelt memorial in the city of Washington, John Russell Pope architect

Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediæval styles

Pompeji vor der Zerstoerung

Premier photographic view album of London : containing over 350 selected views

Quarterly papers on architecture [Weale's quarterly papers on architecture]; v. 1-4

Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain : a series of examples selected from the purest works executed between the years 1500-1560

Sculpture décorative moderne (Modern decorative sculpture), documents réunis par Henri Rapin, v. 1-3

Smaller Italian villas and farmhouses

Specimens of mediaeval architecture, chiefly selected from examples of the 12th and 13th centuries in France and Italy, and drawn by W. Eden Nesfield

Stones of Venice, 1879

Tomb of Hâtshopsîtû. Introduction by Theodore M. Davis. The life and monuments of the Queen, by Edouard Naville. Description of the finding and excavation of the tomb, by Howard Carter

Tomb of Ken-Am¯un at Thebes, by Norman de Garis Davies; with plates in color by Norman de Garis Davies, H. R. Hopgood, and Nina de Garis Davies, v. 1-2

Tomb of Nakht at Thebes, by Norman de Garis Davies, with plates in color by L. Crane, Norman de G. Davies, and F.S. Unwin, of the Egyptian expedition, and Nina de Garis Davies

Tomb of Puyemrê at Thebes, by Norman de Garis Davies, with plates in color by N. de Garis Davies and H.R. Hopgood of the Egyptian expedition, v. 1-2

Tomb of Senebtisi at Lisht by Arthur C. Mace and Herbert E. Winlock

Tomb of Thoutmôsis IV by Howard Carter and Percy E. Newberry

Tomb of two sculptors at Thebes, by Norman de Garis Davies ; with plates in color by Norman de Garis Davies, Nina de G. Davies, H.R. Hopgood and Charles K. Wilkinson, of the Egyptian expedition

Tombs of Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou. The discovery of the tombs, by Theodore M. Davis. King Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou, by Sir Gaston Maspero. Catalogue of the objects discovered, by George Daressy. Illustrations in colour, by Lancelot Crane

Tre porte del Battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze, incise ed illustrate (Three doors of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence, engraved and illustrated)

Two Ramesside tombs at Thebes, by Norman de Garis Davies, with plates in color by N. de Garis Davies, H.R. Hopgood, C.K. Wilkinson, the late Norman Hardy and Nina de G. Davies of the Egyptian Expedition

Vatican et la basilique de St. Pierre (The Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica)

Versailles : Les Trianons - Saint Cyr / Edmond Pilon et Maurice-Pierre Boyé ; Aquarelles de Camille Carlier-Vignal

Versailles ; introduction et notices par Pierre de Nolhac, v.1-2

Vorbilder für kunstverglasungen im style der neuzeit (Models for stained glass in the style of the modern era), v. 1-2

Year book of the Architectural League of New York and catalogue of the ... annual exhibition 

         1915-1932 (incomplete); 1933; 1934 & 1938

Digitized Versions

View of the mansion of the Gregories Estate (also called Butler's Court) near Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire, UK.This was the mansion house of politician Edmund Burke.

Antiquities of Athens, measured and delineated, 1825

Architecture civile et domestique au moyen âge et à la renaissance, 1855

Color schemes for the home and model interiors, 1922.

De Romanorum magnificentia/Della magnificenza ed architettura de’ Romani, [On the grandeur and the architecture of the Romans], Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1835?

Décoration primitive Océanie : quarante-deux planches (Primitive decoration, Oceania: 42 plates)

Décoration primitive Afrique : quarante-deux planches (Primitive decoration, Africa: 42 plates)

Design Decade, Architectural Forum, October 1940. A treasure trove of Art Deco/Art Modern industrial and interior design.

Deutsche kunst und dekoration (German art & decoration), v. 15 & v. 18

Édifices de Rome moderne,  [Modern Roman Buidlings], v.1, v.2, v.3, 1874

Egyptian obelisks, 1882

France under Louis XIV (Le grand siècle) its arts, its ideas, 1897

The gardens of Italy, 1905

Grinling Gibbons and the woodwork of his age (1648-1720), 1914

Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901, 1901

Guide to the knowledge of pottery, porcelain, and other objects of vertu, 1857

History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States, v.1-2, 1918

In English homes, vol. 2 1904

Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture, 1874

Italian villas and their gardens, 1905

Masterpieces of Spanish architecture, Romanesque and allied styles, 1925

Masterpieces of the Centennial International Exhibition illustrated, v. 1-3

Matériaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture, v.1-10, 1892-1921

Modern home; a book of British domestic architectvre for moderate incomes, 1906

Monograph of the work of McKim, Mead & White, 1879-1915,  v.1, v. 2, v. 3, v.4

Motifs & details choisis d'architecture gothique [Patterns and selected details of Gothic architecture], 1858

Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles, 1882

Pompeji vor der Zerstoerung, 1898

Premier photographic view album of London : containing over 350 selected views, 1907

Quarterly papers on architecture [Weale's], 1844-45

Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain : a series of examples selected from the purest works executed between the years 1500-1560, 19?-

Specimens of mediaeval architecture, chiefly selected from examples of the 12th and 13th centuries in France and Italy, 1862

Tomb of Hâtshopsîtû. Introduction by Theodore M. Davis. The life and monuments of the Queen, by Edouard Naville. Description of the finding and excavation of the tomb, by Howard Carter, 1906

Tomb of Nakht at Thebes, by Norman de Garis Davies, 1917

Tomb of Puyemrê at Thebes, by Norman de Garis Davies, v.1 and v. 2, 1922

Tomb of Senebtisi at Lisht by Arthur C. Mace and Herbert E. Winlock, 1916

Tomb of Thoutmôsis IV, by Howard Carter and Percy E. Newberry, 1904

Tomb of two sculptors at Thebes by Norman de Garis Davies , 1925

Tombs of Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou, 1912 

Two Ramesside tombs at Thebes by Norman de Garis Davies, 1927

Year book of the Architectural League of New York and catalogue of the ... annual exhibition  [1915-1932 (incomplete); 1933; 1934 & 1938]

Making an appointment

Because of staffing and security issues, you need an appointment to view items in the Historic Art Book Collection. Contact  Christine Mannix ( or 614-222-3272), or the Packard Library reference desk (614-222-3273) to schedule a time. Walk-ins may be accepted if Ms. Mannix is on-duty (usually M-F 7:30-3:30). Bring your CCAD ID card. If your item has a barcode we will "check out" the item. If it doesn't have a barcode, we will hold your ID. For security purposes, we request that you sit at the table across for the circulation desk. One book may be viewed at a time unless special permission is given to view multiple books.

Book handling 101: Wash your hands (hold the moisturizer, please!); no food or drinks allowed; stow belongings; pencil and notebook or laptops only; photos without flash are allowed, but not photocopies.