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19th Century and Modern Art

Sources covering the Long 19th Century (1789 to 1917) and Modernism to 1947

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Art Deco & Modernist Design

Design by light; 98 studies in pattern; three dimensional color decoration and patterns in the abstract, 1939

Design decade; Architectural forum ; v. 73, no. 4, 1940
Exposition 1937. Sections étrangères. Introduction de Jacques Gréber. Présentation de Henri Martin. Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France) 
Exposition 1937. Décoration intérieure. Introduction de Jacques Gréber. Présentation de Henri Martin. Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France) 
Formes et couleurs; vingt planches en couleurs contenant soixante-sept motifs décoratifs,  [Shapes and colors: twenty color plates containing sixty-seven decorative motifs],192-?

Inspirations : twenty-four plates, with 128 compositions, c1928

Sculpture décorative moderne, documents réunis par Henri Rapin, v. 1-3, 1925-29

Variations : quatre-vingt-six motifs décoratifs en vingt planches, [Variations: eighty-six decorative motifs twenty plates],1924

Wiener Werkstätte, 1903-1928 : the evolution of the modern applied arts, Josef Franz Maria Hoffmann, 1929

Art Nouveau / Arts & Crafts

American Bible [Roycroft Community], Alice Hubbard, 1918

Deutsche kunst und dekoration, v. 15 & 18, 1897-1905

Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901 [Darmstadt Colony]

International Studio, 1897-1931 (In Bound Periodicals)

Little journeys to the homes of eminent artists [Roycroft Community], Elbert Hubbard, 1907

Modern Design in Jewelry and Fans, 1902 (Art Nouveau jewelry, including Lalique)

La plante et ses applications ornementales, [The plant and its ornamental applications], 1898

Vorbilder für kunstverglasungen im style der neuzeit [Examples of art glass in modern style], v. 1-2, Arnold Lyongrün, 1900 (Art Nouveau stained glass)

Wiener Werkstätte, 1903-1928 : the evolution of the modern applied arts, Josef Franz Maria Hoffmann, 1929

Art Theory, Criticism, & Biography

American Bible [Roycroft Community], Alice Hubbard, 1918

American taste, Lewis Mumford,  1929

Composition: a series of exercises selected from a new system of art education, Arthur Wesley Dow, 1899

Everybody's autobiography, Gertrude Stein, 1937

Little journeys to the homes of eminent artists [Roycroft Community], Elbert Hubbard, 1907

Modern painters, John Ruskin, 1888

Pen drawing and pen draughtsmen, their work and their methods: a study of the art to-day, Joseph Pennell, 1894

Stones of Venice, John Ruskin, 1886

Why expressionism? Hilaire Hiler, 1946

Fashion & Costume

For more titles, see the Fashion Design LibGuide.

Der Bazar: illustrirte Damen-Zeitung Berlin, [Bazaar : illustrated women's magazine, Berlin], 1870

Le costume historique, [Historic costume],  A. Racinet (6 vols.), 1888

Le Costume historique, trois cent vingt-cinq planches, v. 1-2, (our "mini" Racinet), 1890

Fancy Dresses Described, Or What to Wear at Fancy Balls, 1887

The Follies and Fashions of Our Grandfathers, 1886

French theatrical costumes, n.d. (19th century)

Modern Design in Jewelry and Fans, 1902 (Art Nouveau jewelry, including Lalique)

Peterson's Magazine, 1850-1896 (an American women's magazine with fashion plates, some in color)


The Aldine, 1872-3, 1876-77

Art and Letters, v. 1-4, 1889 

Art journal (London) 1850-53

Art journal (New York) v.1 1875-77

Der Bazar: illustrirte Damen-Zeitung Berlin, [Bazaar : illustrated women's magazine, Berlin], 1870

Deutsche kunst und dekoration [German art & decoration], v. 15 & 18, 1897-1933

Every Saturday, 1871  

Figaro-Salon, v. 1-5, 1885

Illustrated American, April 24, 1897, May 1, 1897, Christmas 1897

International Studio, 1897-1931 (In Bound Periodicals)

London Art-Journal, 1871

Moderne Kunst, 1895

Nature and Art, v. 1-2, 1866-67

Peterson's Magazine, 1882-1892, incomplete

Ornament Books

Coloured ornament of all historical styles, with coloured plates from own paintings in water colours by Alexander Speltz, 1915

Decorations polychromes [Polychrome decoration], 190-?

L'ornement polychrome...motifs de tous les styles, art ancien et asiatique, Moyen Age, Renaissance, XVIIe et XVIIIe sièce, [The polychrome ornamental patterns ... all styles, old and Asian art, medieval, Renaissance, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries],188-? by Auguste Racinet.

Der Ornamentenschatz; ein Musterbuch stilvoller Ornamente aus allen Kunstepochen [The treasure ornaments, a pattern book of stylish ornaments from all periods of art] ,1887

Gli stili nella forma e nel colore, rassegna dell' arte antica e moderna di tutti i paesi [Styles in form and color, review of the ancient and modern art of all countries], 1925

Painting & Drawing

26 Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'Ecole Française contemporaine, Musée du Luxembourg (Paris), 18??
De la couleur, Henri Matisse, 1945
Etchings; German etchings on silk (one after Alma-Tadema), 188?
Sketchbook. Text by Raymond Cogniat. v. 1-3, Paul Gauguin, 1962
Van Gogh and John Russell; some unknown letters and drawings, by Henry Thannhauser. Reprinted from the Burlington magazine, September, 1938 
Whistler as I knew him, Mortimer Menpes, 1904

Printmaking & Illustration

For more titles see the Illustration LibGuide

Album Forain, Jean Louis Forain, 1896

The Bottle, George Cruikshank, 1847

Caricatures Françaises et étrangères d'autrefois et d'aujourd'hui, 1932 

Catalogue of the art department of the New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Institute ... Boston, Mass., U.S.A., 1883

Contemporary English Woodcuts, Campbell Dodgson, 1922

Diable à Paris : Paris et les parisiens : mœurs et coutumes, caractères et portraits des habitants de Paris, 1845-6    

The Drunkard's Children, Being a Sequel to The Bottle, George Cruikshank, 1849

Eaux-fortes sur Paris, 1926    Charles Méryon

Engravings, 1928-1933, Eric Gill, 1934

Essays on Physiognomy, Johann Casper Lavater, translated by Henry Hunter, D.D. London: John Murray, 1789-1798. (Includes engravings by William Blake, with designs by Henri Fuseli)

Etchings; German etchings on silk (one after Alma-Tadema), 188? 

Exhibition of English mezzotint portraits from circa 1750 to circa 1830, Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1902

Four Hundred Humorous Illustrations, 190?    Cruikshank, George   

Gates of Paradise, v. 1-3, William Blake, 1968

The Gibson book; a Collection of the Published Works of Charles Dana Gibson, v.1 & 2

Holzschnitte: 1833-1870, 1918   Honoré Daumier

Iliad of Homer; engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman, 1805

In the dawn of the world. Being twenty-five pictures illustrative of a portion of the book of Genesis by Edward Burne-Jones, 1903 

Lamia, by John Keats; with illustrative designs by Will H. Low, 1885

Miró : das graphische Werk : the graphic work : l'oeuvre graphique, 1957

Modern illustration, 1895   Joseph Pennell

Notes et souvenirs sur Charles Méryon, son tombeau au cimetière de Charenton Saint Maurice, 1883

Oeuvres nouvelles de Gavarni : Par-ci, par-la et Physionomies parisiennes, 185-?  Paul Gavarni

Pictures from Punch, v.2-4, 18--?   

Pictures of people, 1896  Charles Dana Gibson

Rime of the ancient mariner. Illustrated by Gustave Dore, 1878    Samuel Taylor Coleridge 

Rossetti and his circle, 1922    Max Beerbohm

The Vision of hell [The Inferno] by Dante Alighieri, illustrated by Gustave Doré