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Fashion Design

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Fashion & Costume

Der Bazar: illustrirte Damen-Zeitung Berlin, [Bazaar : illustrated women's magazine, Berlin], 1870

Costume Design and Illustration, Ethel Traphagen, 1918

Costume of China, 1805

Costume of Great Britain, 1804

Costume of Hindostan : elucidated by sixty coloured engravings, 1804

Le Costume Historique, [Historic costume],  A. Racinet (6 vols.), 1888

Le Costume historique, trois cent vingt-cinq planches, v. 1-2, (our "mini" Racinet), 1890

Costume of the hereditary states of the House of Austria, displayed in fifty coloured engravings, 1804

Costume of the Russian Empire : illustrated by a series of seventy-three engravings : with descriptions in English and French, 1803

Costume of Turkey : illustrated by a series of engravings; with descriptions in English and French, 1804

Fancy Dresses Described, Or What to Wear at Fancy Balls, 1887

The Follies and Fashions of Our Grandfathers, 1886

French theatrical costumes, n.d. (19th century)

Military costume of Turkey : illustrated by a series of engravings, from drawings made on the spot, 1818

Modern Design in Jewelry and Fans, 1902

Peterson's Magazine, 1850-1896 (an American women's magazine with fashion plates, some in color)

Seconde suite d'estampes, pour servir à l'histoire des modes, et du costume en France, dans le dix-huitième siècle, année 1776. Paris, Imprimerie de Prault, 1777 [Second series of prints, to show the history of fashion, and costume in France, in the eighteenth century, year 1776] (reprint 1919)

Suite d'estampes, pour servir à l'histoire des moeurs et du costume des François, dans le dix-huitième siècle : Année 1774 [Suite of prints, to show the history of the manners and the costume of the French, in the eighteenth century, year 1774]

Pattern, Ornament, & Textiles

Batiks de Java, n.d. (1920's)

Decorations polychromes, 18?

Décoration primitive Océanie : quarante-deux planches [Primitive Decoration of Oceania], n.d. (1920's)

Dentelles anciennes de la collection Alfred Lescure, Bruxelles, Malines, Valenciennes, Binche [Old lace from the Alfred Lescure collection, Brussels, Mechelen, Valenciennes, Binche], 1914

Étoffes byzantines, coptes, romaines, etc. du IVe au Xe siècle [Byzantine, Coptic, Roman fabric, etc. from the 4th to the 10th century], n.d. (1920's?)

Formes et couleurs; vingt planches en couleurs contenant soixante-sept motifs décoratifs,  [Shapes and colors: twenty color plates containing sixty-seven decorative motifs],192-?

Inspirations : twenty-four plates, with 128 compositions, c1928

Histoire de la dentelle [History of Lace], 1892

Kultur und industrie südamerikanischer völker; nach den im besitze des Museums für völkerkunde zu Leipzig befindlichen sammlungen [Culture and industry of South American peoples; According to the collections in the possession of the Museum of Ethnography at Leipzig], 1889-90

L'ornement polychrome...motifs de tous les styles, art ancien et asiatique, Moyen Age, Renaissance, XVIIe et XVIIIe sièce, [The polychrome ornamental patterns ... all styles, old and Asian art, medieval, Renaissance, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries],188-?

Der Ornamentenschatz; ein Musterbuch stilvoller Ornamente aus allen Kunstepochen [The treasure ornaments, a pattern book of stylish ornaments from all periods of art] ,1887

La plante et ses applications ornementales, [The plant and its ornamental applications], 1898

Some historical notes on linen, ancient and modern, 1906?

Gli stili nella forma e nel colore, rassegna dell' arte antica e moderna di tutti i paesi [Styles in form and color, review of the ancient and modern art of all countries], 1925

Tapisseries et étoffes coptes [Coptic Tapestry and Rugs], 191-?

Variations : quatre-vingt-six motifs décoratifs en vingt planches, [Variations: eighty-six decorative motifs twenty plates],1924