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Albrecht Dürer's Holzschnitt-werk in Auswahl mit Text [Selected woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer, with text]
Ancient and modern architecture : consisting of views, plans, elevations, sections, and details of the most remarkable edifices in the world, v.1-3, 1844-1849
Architecture civile et domestique au moyen âge et à la renaissance, v.1-2 [Civil and domestic architecture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance], 1855-57
Aus Cranachs Holzschnitten; mit einer Einleitung: Des Künstlers Persönlichkeit und sein Werk [From Cranach's woodcuts; with an introduction: The Artist's personality and his work], 18-?
Ausgewählte Ornament-Schnitzwerke des XV.-XVIII. Jahrhunderts [Selected ornament carvings of 15th - 18th centuries]
Civitates orbis terrarum, 'The towns of the world,' 1572-1618 v.1-3, 1966
Complete woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer edited by Dr. Willi Kurth, 1927
Le Costume historique [Historic costume], v. 1-6, by Auguste Racinet [our big Racinet], 1888
Le Costume historique, trois cent vingt-cinq planches, v. 1-2, (our "mini" Racinet), 1890
Decorations polychromes [Polychrome decoration], v. 1-2, 190?
Dictionary of English furniture, from the middle ages to the late Georgian period v.1-3, 1924-27
Die geheime Offenbarung Johannis.15 vollbilder nach den handzeichnungen Albrecht Dürer's und gleichzeitigem text nach der Strassburger ausgabe von Martin Graeff, 1502 [The Secret Revelation of John. 15 full images of the hand drawings of Albrecht Dürer and simultaneous text after the Strasbourg edition of Martin Graeff,1502], 1902
Gutenberg and the Book of books, 1932
Moyen age et la Renaissance, 1851
Der Ornamentenschatz [Treasure chest of ornament], 1889
Ornement polychrome : cent planches en couleurs, or et argent, contenant environ 2,000 motifs de tous les styles, art ancien et asiatique, Moyen Age, Renaissance, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles : recueil historique et pratique, v.1-6 [Polychrome ornament : one hundred color plates with gold and silver, containing about 2,000 motifs of all styles: ancient and Asian art, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: historical collection and practice], 188-?
San Francesco d'Assisi nel poema di Dante e negli affreschi di Giotto, 1905
Seltene frühe deutsche und italienische Graphik des XV. Jahrhunderts [Rare early German and Italian Graphics of the XV. century], 1931
Sistine Chapel, 1965
Sixty photographs from old Hollandish interiors (15th-18th centuries), 19--?
Tre porte del Battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze, incise ed illustrate [Three doors of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence, engraved and illustrated], 1821