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Library & Information Technology

Information Literacy @ CCAD

What is Information Literacy?

Information Literacy as defined by the American Library Association (ALA) is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information."

An information literate person is able to:

1. Determine the nature and extent of information needed.
a. Develop and refine research questions.
b. Identify key concepts and terms required to locate information.
c. Examine and assess potential resources specific to research purpose.
2. Access information effectively and efficiently.
a. Differentiate among keywords, subject headings, and other meta-data fields.
b. Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
c. Implement a variety of information search strategies.
d. Use full array of library services to retrieve information.
3. Evaluate information and resources.
a. Determine accuracy of information by questioning source of data.
b. Analyze limitations of information gathering tools or strategies.
c. Investigate differing viewpoints in the information.

4. Integrate information ethically and legally.
a. Retrieve and manipulate information across contexts and in multiple formats.
b. Understand intellectual property, copyright, and fair use of information.
c. Cite sources using appropriate documentation style, without plagiarism or misrepresentation.

Why Information Literacy?


Being information literate is increasingly important in a world in which individuals encounter a nearly endless supply of information in their academic studies, workplaces, and personal lives. Much of this information comes through unfiltered formats, raising questions about its authenticity, validity, and reliability, all of which pose challenges in evaluation and understanding.

Students cannot become informed creative workers or enlightened citizenry without the ability to use and evaluate information effectively. Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own lives.

  • Gurke, Sasha. "Information Literacy in the Workplace." R&D Magazine, vol. 54, no. 7, Dec. 2012, p. 22. 

  • Gilbert, Stacy. "Information Literacy Skills in the Workplace: Examining Early Career Advertising Professionals." Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, vol. 22, no. 2, Apr-Jun 2017, pp. 111-134. Abstract: This study used content analysis to examine job postings from advertising agencies to find how often information literacy (IL) skills were seen in the job posts and how these skills manifest themselves. Five out of the six IL skills were seen in at least 41% of the job postings, however the skill of synthesizing information was rarely mentioned. 

Our Mission


Students come to CCAD with a wide variety of educational and life experiences. The core mission of the Packard Library instruction program is to prepare CCAD students, no matter what their previous information literacy experience, to be successful information seekers and critical consumers in a rapidly changing technological environment. Our commitment to information literacy is structured after the Academic College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Standards. It also aligns with CCAD's Mission Statement and the Packard Library Mission Statement.

Suggested Timeline

Below is the suggested timeline for a student's information literacy education while at CCAD. While we encourage departments to follow this strategy, this is certainly not a one size fits all; departments will have individual needs and some topics are more appropriately introduced at different stages of a student's academic experience. 

The ultimate goal is to provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that will enrich students' academic experience as well as give them an edge in the job market after they leave CCAD. These skills may be taught as one-shot classes by librarians, or integrated into course curriculum and team-taught by librarians and faculty.


  • Navigate the library's web site
  • Develop a research topic
  • Generate keywords & search terms
  • Use Boolean searching techniques
  • Identify popular and scholarly information
  • Evaluate resources
  • Understand the difference between the CCAD library catalog, online databases, & OneSearch
  • Know how to use OhioLink and SearchOhio
  • Aware of citation tools (style guides & Zotero, among others)


  • Aware of research consultations with librarians
  • Identify & use primary & secondary sources
  • Analyze limits of info gathering tools or strategies
  • Define & use peer-review literature
  • Learn about subject databases
  • Awareness of plagiarism, intellectual property, and fair use
  • Organize & cite sources (style guides & Zotero, among others)


  • Meet with librarians for research consultations
  • Identify & effectively use different types of literature (book chapters, articles, conference proceedings, etc.)
  • Demonstrate skilled use of subject databases
  • Use bibliographies & citation databases to locate additional resources.
  • Locate and use statistics & government documents
  • Organize & cite sources (style guides & Zotero, among others)
  • Able to search the Hidden web (online archives)