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Library & Information Technology

Information Literacy @ CCAD

2024-25 Library Instruction

We offer in-person information literacy sessions as well as online options.

CCAD Information Literacy Instruction Program

CCAD Packard Library Information Literacy Program

Tours: Brief tour of the library to show students our physical space, how to navigate the Library & IT Website, and how to locate the LibGuide for their major (20 minutes). Does not include advanced instruction.

In-person Information Literacy Instruction: Choose from the modules below OR request a custom session tailored to your course assignment.

  • Give us at least a 7-day notice prior to your requested date
  • Include a specific assignment you are giving your students – sessions are much more effective when we are able to focus on what you need your students to learn for a specific paper, presentation, or project.
  • Instructors, substitutes, or teaching assistants must accompany classes to our sessions.

Introduction to Finding Books (90 minutes)

Students in this session will learn to locate paper and e-books in the library and in OhioLink and SearchOhio.
We’ll cover:
  • The importance of starting with background sources and identifying keywords (with optional
  • brainstorming exercise).
  • An introduction to our book catalog, OhioLINK, and SearchOhio
  • A review of (or in many cases, an introduction to) the Dewey decimal classification system.
  • An introduction to OneSearch.
  • Using and downloading ebooks from various providers.
  • A hands-on exercise involving searching the catalog for one ebook or physical book on the topic of
  • their assignment. The students will fill out a short worksheet on the experience.
Students should bring their phones or a laptop to the session.
Since the students will be conducting live searches, this session will be more useful if they have an assignment topic ready to research.

Introduction to Periodicals (60 minutes)

Recommended for all LIBA 1290: Writing and the Arts classes
This session will cover finding journal articles, with emphasis on scholarly information. We’ll cover:
  • Identifying scholarly journals, trade journals, and popular magazines - includes a hands-on exercise.
  • Basic Boolean searching techniques.
  • How to search specialized article databases like JSTOR, and Art & Architecture Source. 
  • A hands-on exercise involving searching Art & Architecture Source for a scholarly article. The students will email their citations or articles to themselves and to the librarian. The librarian will forward the citations on to the instructor with notes or suggestions.

Students must bring their laptops to the session.

Since the students will be conducting live searches, this session will be more useful if they have an assignment topic ready to research. 

 Beyond Google: Wikipedia, Websites, and More (60 minutes)

Recommended for classes that incorporate significant internet research.
This session will discuss using the wild and wacky world of the internet for college-level research.  
We’ll cover:
  • Surprise! Not everything is available on the internet.
  • When using Wikipedia is appropriate and when it is not.
  • Tips for searching Google more efficiently.
  • How to evaluate the quality of a website. There will be a hands-on exercise involving searching for and evaluating a website.
  • High-quality alternatives to Google Images such as ArtStor, Europeana, NYPL, and other image sites. 
Students must bring their laptops to the session.

Bibliographies & Citations (60 minutes)

Recommended for all classes and levels, but especially Seniors, MFA, and MDes.
Students will learn why and how to cite sources in MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or APA. This session will give a brief overview of style in text and in format, as well as trusted citation generators. Students will complete a hands-on activity to practice on their own bibliographies. We can also discuss annotated bibliographies.

Primary Resources: the CCAD Historic Art Book Collection (60 minutes, or longer if requested)

Recommended for any class, any level
The Packard Library owns hundreds of historic books and magazines, with strong holdings in printmaking, illustration, architecture, costume, and ornament. We can work with you to develop assignments, LibGuides, and class sessions that give students an opportunity to work hands-on with primary source materials. For more details on the collection, go to our LibGuide at: For an example of a class we have worked with, see:

Artists’ Books (60 minutes, or longer if requested)

Recommended for any class, any level, but especially printmaking, photography, illustration, and narrative practice.
Do you assign your students to make books or discuss artists’ books in your classes? Librarian Christine Mannix is a book artist who can explain the history and genres of artist’s books. Students can handle and examine the Library’s collection of artists’ books, circulating bookbinding kits, and bookbinding samples. She can also lead hands-on bookbinding workshops. 

Senior Thesis/MFA Research (60-90 minutes)

Recommended for Seniors & MFA students working on their final projects and theses, this module goes over advanced resources for library research & scholarship. Each student will get a chance to ask their own questions, review skills & resources, and get one-on-one help from librarians about their work. At the end of class, all students will work with a partner to further explore each other’s topics & sources with reflection and feedback. 

Magazine Meet-n-Greet (60 minutes)

Recommended for any class, any level. Let your students get to know the magazines and periodicals in their field! The librarian will introduce
them to magazines that we currently subscribe to as well as older and historical magazines in their
subject area. Students will be let loose to browse, and the group will reconvene to share and discuss what they have found.

Primary Resources: CCAD Digital Archive (45 - 60 minutes)
Recommended for any class, any level. The CCAD Digital Archive has a curated collection of over 600 images that can be used as primary
resources for historical and research purposes. This class will instruct the user on how to navigate the collection with searching methods, but also saving and exporting items for later use. For more information, go to our research guide at:

Subject Guides

Subject Guides, like this one, have been created for each major at CCAD and many other subjects as well. The guides are designed to help students find and use library resources. You can embed them in CCAD Moodle and we can also make one just for your class.

Contact the for more information.