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Blue-and-white ware of the Ming dynasty
Le costume historique, [Historic costume], A. Racinet (6 vols.), 1888 [includes objects and interiors]
Le Costume historique, trois cent vingt-cinq planches, v. 1-2, (our "mini" Racinet), 1890
Design decade [Art Deco and Streamlined design from the 1930's]
Deutsche kunst und dekoration (German art & decoration), v. 15 & v. 18 [Art Nouveau and Jugenstil design]
Dictionary of English furniture, from the middle ages to the late Georgian period v.1-3
Examples of ancient & modern furniture, metal work, tapestries, decorations, etc.
Exposition 1937. Décoration intérieure (Interior decoration)
Frank Lloyd Wright. Special issue of the Architectural forum, vol. 68, no. 1, January 1938.
Grand Trianon, architecture, décoration, ameublement [Decoration and furniture from Versailles]
Guide to the knowledge of pottery, porcelain, and other objects of vertu [various periods]
History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States, v.1-2 [published in 1834]
Kuan ware of the Southern Sung dynasty
Kultur und industrie südamerikanischer völker (Culture and industry of South American nations)
Lung-ch'üan ware of the Sung dynasty
Masterpieces of the Centennial International Exhibition illustrated, v.2 & 3 [ v.2. Industrial art -- v.3. History, mechanics, science]
Matériaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture (Materials and documents of architectural and sculpture) , v.1-10
Monochrome ware of the Ming dynasty
Petit Trianon, architecture--décoration--ameublement [Decoration and furniture from Versailles]
Sculpture décorative moderne (Modern decorative sculpture), documents réunis par Henri Rapin, v. 1-3 [Art Deco]
Sixty photographs from old Hollandish interiors
Underglaze red ware of the Ming dynasty
Wiener Werkstätte, 1903-1928 : the evolution of the modern applied arts
Year book of the Architectural League of New York and catalogue of the ... annual exhibition
1915-1932 (incomplete); 1933; 1934 & 1938
From Deutsche kunst und dekoration (German art & decoration)
Deutsche kunst und dekoration (German art & decoration), v. 15 & v. 18
France under Louis XIV (Le grand siècle) its arts, its ideas, 1897
Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig und die Ausstellung der künstler-kolonie in Darmstadt von mai bis oktober 1901, 1901
Guide to the knowledge of pottery, porcelain, and other objects of vertu, 1857
History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States, v.1-2, 1918
Matériaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture, v.1-10, 1892-1921
Masterpieces of the Centennial International Exhibition illustrated, v.1-3
Year book of the Architectural League of New York and catalogue of the ... annual exhibition [1915-1932 (incomplete); 1933; 1934 & 1938]