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Library & Information Technology

CCAD Library Research Tutorial

Keywords Are Your Friends

Now that you've narrowed down your topic, how will you formulate an effective search strategy?

  • Think of keywords that describe what you want to research.
  • Identify synonyms, acronyms, and spelling derivations for your keywords

Boolean Searching: Tips for Searching Catalogs and Databases

Knowledge Check

Putting quotation marks around a term like "Mexico City" will ensure that the words are searched together as a phrase.
True: 0 votes (0%)
False: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0



How can you combine different search terms so that you find both terms in your search?
By using the operator AND: 0 votes (0%)
By using the operator OR: 0 votes (0%)
By placing the words between parentheses: 0 votes (0%)
By using truncation or wildcards: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0



Adding * (star or asterisk) to the root of the word will do what?
Find similar words: 0 votes (0%)
Find variations of the word: 0 votes (0%)
Make the computer leave out the word: 0 votes (0%)
Tells the computer that this is the most important word: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0