Viewing Special Collections materials is by appointment only. Contact Christine Mannix (
Bring your CCAD ID card. If your item has a barcode we will "check out" the item. If it doesn't have a barcode, we will hold your ID. For security purposes, we request that you sit at the table across for the circulation desk. One book may be viewed at a time unless special permission is given to view multiple books.
Book handling 101: Wash your hands (no moisturizer, please); no food or drinks allowed; stow belongings; pencil and notebook or laptops only; photos without flash are allowed, but not photocopies.
Because so many of our books fall into the History of Art & Design category, we can't list them all in this LibGuide. You can:
1. Search the inventory using the Excel spreadsheet in the box next to this one.
2. Search the catalog using the instructions given in the second box.
3. Click on a link for one of the specialized LibGuides below.
The majority of our books are now cataloged! But if you need an overview by subject, the inventory can be a valuable tool.
There are four different sheets in the spreadsheet: the Historic Art Book Collection, the Artists' Book Collection, the Beeler Gallery Donation, and the Comics and Narrative Practice Collection. You should be able to sort by column.
To find items in the Historic Art Books Collection that have been cataloged, go to this link and type Q.
For information on uncataloged items, please see the inventory in the box above.